- Cursino R. Pinho
Bardezchi rajdhani, Goyant Purtugez yeunche mh adim savn Mhapxenchem nogor zaun asa ani ani azunui tem toxem zaun asa. Mhapxem xharantle Su zaite put-dhuvo veg-vegllea kxetrant porzoll'lIeat ani sonvsarant nanvlovkek pavleat Shrirang Pandurang Narvekar ho horxim pollovpak sadharonn veokti, ek porzollit mollbavelem nokhetr zaunk pavot mhunn konnenuch chintunk naslem zait. Aiz Shrirangak nhoich akhkhea Gomantakant bogor Goyabhair ek nam'necho nattya kolakar, digdorspi ani nattkam machier haddun dakhovpi udar kallzacho contractor mhunn vollkhotat. Taka lagun Goykarank borim-borim Moratthi nattkam ani kovtik tiatr pollounk mellttale, oxem mhonnlear il'li-i otitay zaunchi na. Sodanch hanstea tonddacho, borea-vaittak udar kallzan pavpacho Shrirang mhaka zalear tosoch asaso dista.
Marsache 29ver, Gomant Kolakar Songhachea 50vea vordhapon-disa nimitan Rongant Ronglo Mi hea tachea Moratthi pustokachem prokaxon, Vaishya Sobhaghorant, Mhapxem hanga vhodda dobajean zalem. Adv. Ramakant Khalap, Padmashri Pandit Samprosad Sawkar, Padmashri Suresh Amonkar, Sudhabai Amonkar, Maji Sobhapoti Surendra Sirsat ani her manest soire hea dobajeak muzrot hajir asle. Dor eka manachea soirean ap-aplea ulovpant Shrirang bhai-i nattyakolechea rongant koso ronglo, tachea jivitacher adharun spoxtt kolloun dilem. Shrirang-a oslo vixal kallzacho monis atanchea jogant sodunk gelear legit sompeponnim mellonk kotthinn, oxem kaim zonnamni sangun dilem. Zalear Adv. Khalap baban taka Rongshri podvi, padmashri bhoxen favo zata, oxem vhodde umedin sanglem.
Rongant Ronglo Mi hea pustokachea vimochona nimtan anik ek mhotvachi ghoddnnuk Te Bhayi Shrirang Narvekar hanchea hatantlean ghoddil'li hanvem chokasur zaun polleli; ti Me mhollear Shrirangan aplea sangati sohokari nott ani notteancho vhodd sonmanan sotkar kelo. Sumar pon'nas nattkantlea sohobhageleank Shrifoll, fulancho- turo ani shal diun tancho bhovman kelo. Hanchemodim kaim sapp zannttele zalear choddxe utar pirayeche asle. Tanchim nanvam ghetana ani tanche vixim don utram sangtana Shrirangak kitli umed bhogtali tem tachea hanskurea mukhamollavoilean sid'dh zatalem. Oslem udarponn adim hanvem khoinch pollounk naslem. Ji khuxalkay Shrirangak ani tachea kuttumbak bhoglea tich khuxalkay dor eke sotkarmurtek bhoglea astoli, hatunt i1'loi dubhav asom nozo.
Shrirang Narvekar dhorman Hindu; torui dor ekleak aple ixtt mhunn cholovpi oso ho sado monis. Adar magtoleank tachem dar sodanch ugtem. Dhorm pollenastana konnakui pavpi oso ho monis. Mhapsa nogorpalikecho councillor koso lokanchea gorzank pavtalo, hachi zaite govaiki ditat. Atam councillor naslo zalear legit Shrirang bhayichi bud'd upegak poddlea xivai ravona, oxem zaite mhonnttat. Mapusa Azilo Hospittolache Visiting Committee-cho vang'ddi koso gorjevontank alaxiro diunk fuddem dhanvpi Shrirang bariksannin vaspus kelea xivai ravo naslo. Dhondean sora vikpi Shrirang soreacho ghontt chakina mhunn Shrirang aplea pustokant boroita.
Mhoji ani Shrirang Narvekarachi vollokh 1968 Kala Akademin ghoddun haddil'lea Natya Shibirantlean zali. Hem xibir New Goa High School-ant choltalem. Shri Prabhakar Gupte, Punneche hea xibirachem sonchalon choloitale. Sumar challis te ponchechallis xibirant vantto ghevpi asle, tatunt panch-so cholio. Shrirang Mhapxekar zal'lean heram modem porzollttalo. Ten'nanch amchi vollokh zali. Magir ami yeun vochon eka meka kodden sombondh dovrit asle.
Mapusa Merchant Crib-icho vangddi zal'lean vaddeantlea bhurgeank gheun gotteakodden tiatr machier haddpak Shrirangan adar dila to visrunk zaina. Goyant Congress pokx zago korpant Shrirang Narvekaranchea Mhapxenchea mattvant survat zali. Mattovbhor axil'lea lokamni Congress-ichi sotea Goyant haddunk bhas diloli. Heach mattvant. Sham Sundor Nevgy-ak Mhapxencho amdar mhunn venchun kaddttole mhunn utor dil'lem ani tem sakar korun dakhoilem. Shrirangachem ulovop aikonk lok kan fuloun ravle. Hoch to Shrirang zo konnachi porva korinastana dhaddsan mukhar soro. Tachea pustokachea vimochonak porxim amontronn dilem ani yenastana ravonaka mhunn sanglem mhunn hanv muzrot pavlom.
Konknni Cholchitr "Sukhachem Sopon" hatunt sompil'lea AI Jerry Bragazan Shrirangak ek Hindu sezareachi bhumika dil'li. Hi khobor kaddttoch apunn cinema actor mhunn to khuxen bhorta. AI Jerry Braganza ani Shrirang Narvekar ekach Mhapxenchea vaddeant ravtale, Onsabhattant. Zait ghoddiek haka lagun Jerry Braganzan Shrirangak aplea filmant sezari mhunn venchlo.
Hea disamni Shrirang Israel vochpacho asa . Jezuchea zolma desak bhett diun ek pustok borovpak chint'ta. Him tachim chintnam sakar zaum mhunn amche anvdde.
Anik ek khobor ji Shrirang sorv dhormancho monis mhunn veokt korta; ti mhollear jen'na amchea desant Janata Party-cho novo sorkar , nivddun aile ani Shri Morarji Dessai prodhan montri mhunn raj korunk laglo, ten'na tannim Freedom of Religion Bill oso kaido korun khoincheach dhormant bollan conversion korunk zaunchem na, oxi bondi haddun Sonsoddent vo Parliamentant kaido korun pas korunk sodi. Hea Bill-ak virodh korunk Catholic Povitr Sobha (church) ani zaite her dhormanche vicharvont ube zale. Amchea Goyantui hea Bill-ak virodh korunk zaiteo zomati ani rally ghoddun haddil'leo. Ten'na Shrirang dhorman Hindu zaunui hea BiII-ak virodh Mhapxe xharant ghoddun haddil'le zomatint pott'tiddken uloil'leacho mhaka sarko ugddas asa.
Rongant Ronglo Mi hea tachea pustokant nattya kolent rongil'lo Shrirang aplea jivitache godd ani koddu onnbhov eka mottea dhaddsan boroita. Vachpeanchea dolleam mukhar Gomantakache nattya kolecho itihas sompo korun ani apunn ek kolakar koso porzoll'lIom tem dakhoun dita. Hem pustok vachtoch khoreaninch Shrirang Rongant Ronglom Hanv, oxem spoxtt zata.
GULAB/Jun 2009 hanchea upkarant.

(Imersed Myself In Colour)
- Cursino R. Pinho
The capital of Bardez taluka, before the advent of Portuguese arrival, was the town of Mapusa and is and still remains such. The sons and daughters from Mapusa has been shining examples and famous in various walks of life. Shrirang Pandurang Narvekar, a very down-to-earth simpleton, turned to be a bright star, which nobody had imagined him to be.
Today Shrirang is not only known in the whole of Gomantak region but even outside Goa he is a prominent artiste, director and producer/stage manager for Marathi nataks (plays) as well as a contractor for staging traditional Tiatrs and his generosity is not exergerated . Always with a smile on his face, he is always and remains a kind hearted Shrirang whom is well respected.
On March 29, 2009, the Gomant Kolakar Songh (Federation of Goan Marathi Artistes) on their 50th anniversary released Shrirang’s Marathi book “Rongant Ronglo Mi” (Immersed Myself in Colours) at the Vaishya Auditorium, Mapusa, to the thunderous applause of a large gathering. Amongst the dignitaries included Adv. Ramakant Khalap, Padmashri Pandit Samprosad Sawkar, Padmashri Suresh Amonkar, Sudhabai Amonkar, Former Speaker Surendra Sirsat and other guests attended the ceremony. Each and every spoke eloquently on Shrirang’s life time association and interest in theatrical arts. Their undisputed remark on his personal qualities and his generosity. Adv. Khalap even suggested that an award like the padmashri as “Rongshri” can be bestowed on him.
On the occasion of his book “Rongant Ronglo Mi” another unique ceremony of honouring his colleagues and fellow artistes of his time, some with whom he has been associated for several of his youthful days. About fifty artistes were honoured with a shawl, garland and a memento to each and amongst these were some retirees in their prime age. Whilst naming them and their qualities, Shrirang’s happiness knew no bound and it was all written over his expressions. I have not come across generous attitude at any time. Shrirang and his family has been proud to bestow their affection towards those whom they honoured and their happiness could be observed by all.
Being Hindu by religion, Shrirang Narvekar by his simplicity considers each and every one as a friend. He assists anyone who approaches him in their time of need without any religious bias. While he was elected as a councilor of the Mapusa Municipality Council, his work and dedication for the community’s interest has been well proven. Now that he is now longer the councilor, still his advice on the wellbeing of his community. As a member of the Mapusa Azilo Hospital’s Visiting Committee, he eagerly enquires and tends to the needs of the patients. He is involved in the liquour business but is a teetotoller to the core.
My association with Shrirang Narvekar dates back to 1968 when Kala Akademi organized the Arts Forum. This forum was held at the New Goa High School. Mr. Prabhakar Gupte of Pune was the main speaker at this forum. About forty to forty-five persons attended, among them 5-6 women. Shrirang being a Mhapxekar stood tall among them. It was here that our friendship commenced. From then on, we met frequently and kept our relationship…..
Being a supporter of the Mapusa Merchant Crib, Shrirang had all the youth involved in organizing a Tiatr near the main square around the Crib which he supported cannot be forgotten. To awake the sleepy Congress Party out of its slumber in Goa, Shrirang Narvekar organized a huge meeting at the famous Narvekar Mattou (tent) in Mapusa. It was here that he put forth the name of Sham Sundor Nevgy to be Mapusa’s MLA at the next election and he did succeeded. To hear Shrirang speak at the podium gallantly everyone in the audience gave him a listening ear.
For his book release he personally invited me and I did make it a point to attend without fail.
The late Al Jerry Braganza produced the Konkani film "Sukhachem Sopon" wherein Shrirang enacted the role of a Hindu neighbor. A mere mention of it and Shrirang happily states that he is a cinema actor. AI Jerry Braganza and Shrirang Narvekar were both from Mapusa and from the same ward, Onsabhat. It might be true that this was the reason why Al Jerry Braganza chosed Shrirang for the film as the ‘neighbour’.
In a few days, Shrirang will visit Israel. After visiting Jesus’ birthplace, he intends to write a book. I wish him all the best in this endeavour.
Another thing to confirm about Shrirang belief in all religions and humanity. When the Janata Party came to power with Mr. Morarji Dessai as its prime minister, the ‘Freedom of Religion Bill’ was tabled. It was related to the ban on religious conversion wherein one could not be forcefully converted to another relation and this was to be passed as an Act in the Parliament. The Chotholic Church and other religions tabled pertinent questions. In Goa also this bill was rejected and several rallies and gatherings were held. At that time, although Srirang being a Hindu did strongly voiced his objections at the rally in Mapusa which I still remember.
In his book “Rongant Ronglo Mi” his involvement and love for the theatrical stage and arts and how he has immersed himself in its colour is well documented by Shrirang. His sweet and sour memories of it are expressed in his writings. To the readers, he has illustrated an historical account of Goa’s Nataks and how he has illuminated himself as an artiste. After reading this book, how truly Shrirang has immersed himself colourfuly will be exposed.
[Translated from Konkani by Gaspar Almeida, Associate, www.goa-world.com]
The original writer of this article is Cursino R. Pinho which has been published in GULAB issue dated June 2009.

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