Remmie Colaco - Tumcam Zolm Disachim Porbim (19/9/2008) !
Mogall Remmie Bab,
Anjuna thavn ununit zolm disachim porbim! Anvddetanv tuka khuxealborit zolm dis ani toxich bori bolaiki ani lamb auk.
Baileche partik tuka konnuch lagonaslo. Toxinch tujim riti-dekhichea kantaram
amchea kallzanim kantoilelim asat. Tuvem Konknni machier vavr kela to omor urtolo.
Tuzo porno ixtt,
Domnic Fernandes & Kuttumb (Anjuna)
About Remmie Colaco:
courtesy: TIATR & TIATRIST - Vol. I - by Fausto V. Da Costa
1954: When All India Radio (AIR) was asked to choose four songs; one each in English, Portuguese, Hindi, and Konkani, it was Remmie Colaco, the incredible singing machine and celebrated female impersonator¢s very song that was selected as the Best. The solo, Ankvar Moriechem Dukh was initially rendered on the inaugural show of Saibinniche Sat Sukhi by J.P. Souzalin at P.T. Bhangwadi-Mumbai.
All links collection as archived by Gaspar Almeida for
for Tiatr, Tiatrist and Goan Culture Pages.
Goa's Pride -
Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter is presented by Ulysses Menezes,
and moderated by Gaspar Almeida (since 1994)
Tiatr Academy of Goa has its headquarters in Margao, Goa, India. This blog is a collection of news items of tiatr, Konkani music albums, VCDs, films and related to the tiatr fraternity and is a personal attempt to archive the same. Where possible we have provided the links/original source. Any comments made by the writer of the articles is solely their point of view. Gaspar Almeida
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
An English Play ‘SWEET POISON’ by Tomazinho Cardozo – A Review
An English Play ‘SWEET POISON’ by Tomazinho Cardozo – A Review
It has been raining incessantly for the last one week – we have not seen the sun all these days! Despite heavy rains, I said to myself: “Come what may; I must attend Tomazinho’s play today (11/8/08)”. With this determination I headed to Panaji and reached Kala Academy at 6:50 p.m. The play began at 7:00.
The play is set in the 1980s, the time which saw a boom in tourism and tourism-related activities, particularly in the coastal belt of Goa. The scenic beauty, the serene ambience and vast stretches of sandy beaches beckoned to the tourist, both foreign and domestic.
The story revolves around a middle class family with two children – son and daughter - studying in the college. Their father is employed in Kuwait. They have a nice ancestral house right on the beach with a thatched hut beside it.
The mother renovates the house, and, in her greed to make a fast buck, she rents it to tourists. There are three rooms in the house – one is rented to a German couple, the other to an Indian tourist (Madrasi), and the third one to a girl from Bombay, who turns out to be a journalist. The mother also supplies meals; she cooks in the thatched hut. Thus, she makes a lot of money from the paying guests. The mother and children sleep in the sitting room.
To begin with, the son gets a naked glimpse of the German couple living in their room. Watching them naked becomes a habit for him. The moment he reaches home, he gets to their bedroom door and watches them. Gradually, he befriends them; ultimately, he starts taking drugs.
Initially, the daughter was against the German couple’s stay in their house but she, too, begins to take a liking for them and becomes their friend; the result? She, too, becomes a dope addict.
To make matters worse, the Madrasi paying guest, turns out to be a drug supplier. He lures the son and sends out packets of cocaine through him to his contacts; thus, the son becomes a drug peddler.
There are two side characters in the play – A guy called Cursino Mergulhão who is known to all as ‘tourism’, and his archrival who is also known by his nickname ‘anti-tourism’. While ‘tourism’ encourages the mother to go for tourism and make more money, the ‘anti-tourism’ cautions and tells her of the adverse effect of tourism on the life of the children in the family, particularly on education. He also tells her that money is not everything in this world.
The father suddenly arrives home from Kuwait. Upon entering the house, the wife asks him if he liked the new shape of the renovated house. She then convinces him to leave his job and join her in the business to which he agrees. He then asks for his children but none is available around. He is upset because he had especially flown home for his daughter’s birthday on that day.
While in the sitting room, the Bombay girl comes out and introduces herself to the father. He asks her how she could afford to pay Rs.250 per day for the room. She tells him that she has been sent to Goa by the Editor of a newspaper to investigate and write about tourism in Goa. She then hands him the final copy of the manuscript and asks him to read it. Obviously, it was a report on his family.
As he was reading the manuscript, his daughter shows up along with the German couple. She is so high on drugs that she can’t even walk properly – she was flying (on drugs)! The father can’t believe his eyes. He wishes her happy birthday and hands in a gold necklace as a birthday gift but instead of thanking him, she passes it on to the German guy and asks him to sell it and buy drugs for them. For the mother, the whole world collapses around her; she holds her head in her hands and is dumb-founded.
While the father was watching his daughter’s behavior, son rushes inside the house followed by a police inspector. Yes, you got it right. He was caught red-handed distributing drugs. Both parents are flabbergasted!
The play highlights a very important issue in our society that threatens the value system and the culture of Goa. By renting houses to tourists, locals make a lot of money without much sacrifice and hard work – this is very sweet. However, the intensity with which it badly affects the value system and lifestyles of our children, it is poisonous; hence, the name of the play ‘SWEET POISON’!
Without exception, each one of the actors has done fabulously well. The role of mother ‘Magdu’ was played by none other than Irene Cardozo; the father – Manohar Redkar; the two children – Shivanand Naik as ‘Jerry’ and Joslyn Misquita as ‘Linda’. They were supported by the foreign tourist couple – Comedian 64 as ‘Wheel’ and Selza Lopes as ‘Geene’ – everyone thought they were real foreigners. The Indian tourist ‘Puttuswamy’ was performed by Dnyashwar Morajkar; Larissa D’Souza as ‘Freeda the journalist’; Mathias Mascarenhas as ‘tourism’; Assis Cardozo as ‘anti-tourism’; Tukaram Naik as the Police Inspector.
The stage setting was by Timothy Dias; background music by Vikas Chopdekar; light effects by Dhananjay Phalkar; Costumes by Irene Cardozo; make-up by Xavier Mascarenhas.
The play is the translation of the Konkani tiatr entitled “Mhonvall Vikh” by Tomazinho Cardozo. It was staged in 1989 in the yearly Tiatr Competition organized by Kala Academy of Goa. It is adapted in English by Irene Cardozo.
Our heartiest congratulations to Tomazinho Bab Cardozo for a well-written and directed play! We look forward to witnessing more Konkani tiatr and English plays from your pen. Keep up the good work! God bless.
Domnic Fernandes
Gaumvaddy, Anjuna - Goa.
It has been raining incessantly for the last one week – we have not seen the sun all these days! Despite heavy rains, I said to myself: “Come what may; I must attend Tomazinho’s play today (11/8/08)”. With this determination I headed to Panaji and reached Kala Academy at 6:50 p.m. The play began at 7:00.
The play is set in the 1980s, the time which saw a boom in tourism and tourism-related activities, particularly in the coastal belt of Goa. The scenic beauty, the serene ambience and vast stretches of sandy beaches beckoned to the tourist, both foreign and domestic.
The story revolves around a middle class family with two children – son and daughter - studying in the college. Their father is employed in Kuwait. They have a nice ancestral house right on the beach with a thatched hut beside it.
The mother renovates the house, and, in her greed to make a fast buck, she rents it to tourists. There are three rooms in the house – one is rented to a German couple, the other to an Indian tourist (Madrasi), and the third one to a girl from Bombay, who turns out to be a journalist. The mother also supplies meals; she cooks in the thatched hut. Thus, she makes a lot of money from the paying guests. The mother and children sleep in the sitting room.
To begin with, the son gets a naked glimpse of the German couple living in their room. Watching them naked becomes a habit for him. The moment he reaches home, he gets to their bedroom door and watches them. Gradually, he befriends them; ultimately, he starts taking drugs.
Initially, the daughter was against the German couple’s stay in their house but she, too, begins to take a liking for them and becomes their friend; the result? She, too, becomes a dope addict.
To make matters worse, the Madrasi paying guest, turns out to be a drug supplier. He lures the son and sends out packets of cocaine through him to his contacts; thus, the son becomes a drug peddler.
There are two side characters in the play – A guy called Cursino Mergulhão who is known to all as ‘tourism’, and his archrival who is also known by his nickname ‘anti-tourism’. While ‘tourism’ encourages the mother to go for tourism and make more money, the ‘anti-tourism’ cautions and tells her of the adverse effect of tourism on the life of the children in the family, particularly on education. He also tells her that money is not everything in this world.
The father suddenly arrives home from Kuwait. Upon entering the house, the wife asks him if he liked the new shape of the renovated house. She then convinces him to leave his job and join her in the business to which he agrees. He then asks for his children but none is available around. He is upset because he had especially flown home for his daughter’s birthday on that day.
While in the sitting room, the Bombay girl comes out and introduces herself to the father. He asks her how she could afford to pay Rs.250 per day for the room. She tells him that she has been sent to Goa by the Editor of a newspaper to investigate and write about tourism in Goa. She then hands him the final copy of the manuscript and asks him to read it. Obviously, it was a report on his family.
As he was reading the manuscript, his daughter shows up along with the German couple. She is so high on drugs that she can’t even walk properly – she was flying (on drugs)! The father can’t believe his eyes. He wishes her happy birthday and hands in a gold necklace as a birthday gift but instead of thanking him, she passes it on to the German guy and asks him to sell it and buy drugs for them. For the mother, the whole world collapses around her; she holds her head in her hands and is dumb-founded.
While the father was watching his daughter’s behavior, son rushes inside the house followed by a police inspector. Yes, you got it right. He was caught red-handed distributing drugs. Both parents are flabbergasted!
The play highlights a very important issue in our society that threatens the value system and the culture of Goa. By renting houses to tourists, locals make a lot of money without much sacrifice and hard work – this is very sweet. However, the intensity with which it badly affects the value system and lifestyles of our children, it is poisonous; hence, the name of the play ‘SWEET POISON’!
Without exception, each one of the actors has done fabulously well. The role of mother ‘Magdu’ was played by none other than Irene Cardozo; the father – Manohar Redkar; the two children – Shivanand Naik as ‘Jerry’ and Joslyn Misquita as ‘Linda’. They were supported by the foreign tourist couple – Comedian 64 as ‘Wheel’ and Selza Lopes as ‘Geene’ – everyone thought they were real foreigners. The Indian tourist ‘Puttuswamy’ was performed by Dnyashwar Morajkar; Larissa D’Souza as ‘Freeda the journalist’; Mathias Mascarenhas as ‘tourism’; Assis Cardozo as ‘anti-tourism’; Tukaram Naik as the Police Inspector.
The stage setting was by Timothy Dias; background music by Vikas Chopdekar; light effects by Dhananjay Phalkar; Costumes by Irene Cardozo; make-up by Xavier Mascarenhas.
The play is the translation of the Konkani tiatr entitled “Mhonvall Vikh” by Tomazinho Cardozo. It was staged in 1989 in the yearly Tiatr Competition organized by Kala Academy of Goa. It is adapted in English by Irene Cardozo.
Our heartiest congratulations to Tomazinho Bab Cardozo for a well-written and directed play! We look forward to witnessing more Konkani tiatr and English plays from your pen. Keep up the good work! God bless.
Domnic Fernandes
Gaumvaddy, Anjuna - Goa.
Alfred Fernandes of Divar (Alfi Art Productions)
presented his tiatr ‘PURO AMI TRAS KADLEAT TE..’ staged at Kala Academy on 5th Oct. 2009 as part of the ongoing 35th Tiatr Competition.
presented his tiatr ‘PURO AMI TRAS KADLEAT TE..’ staged at Kala Academy on 5th Oct. 2009 as part of the ongoing 35th Tiatr Competition.
Free Musical Evening to honor Mother Mary on October 31, 2009 at Pilar
Free Musical Evening to honor Mother Mary on October 31, 2009
Goa's 17 famous musicians and singers accompanied by a choir will
perform live on Pilar School Ground, Goa for 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
To post to this group, send email to
Goa's 17 famous musicians and singers accompanied by a choir will
perform live on Pilar School Ground, Goa for 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
To post to this group, send email to
List of famous and notable people from Goa, India
List of people from Goa
This is a list of famous and notable people from Goa, India. This list aims to include persons who are known to a large number of people, and is not based on the extent of their popularity. Neither is the list viewed from the context of the present. Their fame could be brief, what matters is that they were well-known during the peak of their popularity. Image File history File links Broom_icon. ... For other uses, see Goa (disambiguation). ...
1 Sports personalities
2 Olympians
3 Musicians
4 Indologists
5 Senior police
6 Political campaigners
7 Military
8 Judges and lawyers
9 Technocrats, senior officials and designers
10 Professors and Educationists
11 Editors, journalists
12 Artists
13 Scientists
14 Religious leaders
15 Medical professionals
16 Writers
17 Governors
18 Business leaders
19 See also
20 External links
Sports personalities
Brahmanand Sankhwalkar, prominent soccer player and former Goa captain. One of Goa's best goalkeepers. An Arjuna awardee for his achievements in sports.
Bruno Coutinho, prominent Indian footballer and Arjuna awardee.
Leander Paes (b. 1973-), international tennis player.
Dilip Sardessai, former cricketer.
Dr VC Paes, sports medicine.
Dr Owen Pinto, sports medicine, Bombay.
Wallis Mathias and Antao Souza - represented Pakistan cricket team in Tests in the 1950s and early 60s.
Brahmanand Sankhwalkar is a prominent soccer player and former Goa captain. ... To meet Wikipedias quality standards, this article may require cleanup. ... Leander Adrian Paes (born June 17, 1973) is an Indian male tennis professional, who currently features predominantly in the doubles events in the ATP tour and the Davis Cup events. ... Dilip Sardesai is a former cricketer. ... Wallis Mathias (born February 4, 1935, Karachi, Sind, died September 1, 1994, Karachi) was a Pakistani cricketer who played in 21 Tests from 1955 to 1962. ...
Neville D'Souza: Soccer, 1956, representing India
Fortunato Franco: Soccer, 1960, representing India
Peter Paul Fernandes: Field Hockey, 1936 representing India and 1948 representing Pakistan
Leo Pinto: Field Hockey, 1948, representing India
Lawrie Fernandes: Field Hockey, 1948, representing India
Walter D'Souza: Field Hockey, 1948, representing India
Maxie Vaz: Field Hockey, 1948, representing India
Reginald Rodrigues: Field Hockey, 1948, representing India
Vece Paes: Field Hockey, 1972, representing India
Joaquim Carvalho: Field Hockey, 1976, representing India
Jack Britto: Field Hockey, 1952, representing Pakistan
Zeno Fernandes: Field Hockey, 1968, representing Mexico
George Moraes: Field Hockey, 1972, representing Uganda
William Lobo: Field Hockey, 1972, representing Uganda
Polycarp Pereira: Field Hockey, 1972, , representing Uganda
Rui Saldanha: Field Hockey, 1972, representing England
Leopold Gracias: Field Hockey, 1980, representing Tanzania
Steve D'silva: Field Hockey, 1980, representing Tanzania
Freddy Furtado: Field Hockey, 1980, representing Tanzania
Dr. Sotor D'silva: Field Hockey, 1980, representing Tanzania
Benedict Mendes: Field Hockey, 1980, representing Tanzania
Trevor Fernandes: Field Hockey, 1984, representing USA
Wayne Fernandes: Field Hockey, 2000, representing Canada
Robin D'Abreo: Field Hockey, 2000, representing Canada
Rosario S F Dalgado: Field Hockey, 1956, representing Kenya
Aloysius E Mendonca: Field Hockey, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968 (captained in 1960), representing Kenya
Michael Estavo Pereira: Field Hockey, 1956, representing Kenya
George Andre Saude: Field Hockey, 1960, 1964, representing Kenya
Anthony Querobino Vaz: Field Hockey, 1956, 1960, 1964, representing Kenya
Edgar Simon Fernandes: Field Hockey, 1960, 1964, representing Kenya
Reynold Anthony Da Souza: Field Hockey, 1956, 1964, representing Kenya
Hilary John Fernandes: Field Hockey, 1960, 1964, 1968, representing Kenya
Egbert Carmo Fernandes: Field Hockey, 1960, 1964, 1968, representing Kenya
Silvester Fernandes: Field Hockey, 1960, 1964, 1968, representing Kenya
Leo Ciriaco Fernandes: Field Hockey, 1964, 1968, 1972, representing Kenya
Reynold Pereira: Field Hockey, 1968, 1972, representing Kenya
Phillip Da Souza: Field Hockey, 1972, representing Kenya
Patrick Martins: Field Hockey, 1984, representing Kenya
Raphael Fernandes: Field Hockey, 1984, representing Kenya
Seraphino Antao: Athletics, 1960, representing Kenya
Lavy Pinto: Athletics, 1952, representing India
Edward Sequeira, Athletics, 1972, representing India
Remo Fernandes prominent Goan pop star and Bollywood playback singer.
Chris Perry
Lorna, Goa's nightingale
Lata Mangeshkar, great playback singer of Bollywood. Has a world-record for the highest number of recorded songs
Asha Bhosle Another great playback singer.Younger sis of Lata Mangeshakar
Aniket Shirodkar, Goa-based musician awarded posthumous state award for his contribution to arts and culture in Goa.
Antonio Fortunato de Figueiredo, conductor, violinist (1903-1981). Founder-director of Academia de Musica (now Dept of Western Classical Music, Kala Academy), founder-director Orquestra Sinfonica de Goa (Goa Symphony Orchestra).
Rev Dr Lourdino Barreto, author of over 100 major works, and his compositions have been performed both in India and abroad.
Mugubai Kurdikar Famous classical singer
Kishori Amonkar, noted Indian classical singer.
Jitendra Abhisheki, noted Indian musician.
Prabhakar Karekar, Noted Indian classical singer. A great singer of (Natyasangeet).
Late Olegario Frank, gifted opera singer based in the UK.
Kesarbai Kerkar (1892-1977).
Deenanath Mangeshkar, after whom the auditorium at the Kala Academy, Goa is named.
Joao Agostinho Fernandes, (1871-1947), father of the Goan tiatr.
Maestro Anthony Gonsalves from Majorda now in his nineties, the man who pioneered the introduction of Western harmony in Hindi film music and who worked with S D Burman and Naushad Ali.
Jose Cordeiro, Saligao, (1911-1982). Goa-based musician awarded posthumous state award for his contribution to arts and culture in Goa. Tenor singer and participant of the All Goa Mando Festival, training both adults and youth in traditional Goan folk songs. Also known locally for his renditions of 'motets'(Psalms on the Passion of Christ) on All India Radio, Goa.
Chris Perry, died 25 January 2002. One of the finest proponents of Konkani music, his compositions broke all barriers & took the genre of Konkani music to dizzying heights. A luminary of the Bombay jazz scene in his heyday, a trumpet virtuoso.
Harvey D'Souza, violin. Studied at the Menuhin School of Music. Now leads the Orchestra of the Academy of St Martin-in-the-Fields, London.
Remo Fernandes is a popular pop/rock/Indian fusion artist and playback singer from the state of Goa, India. ... Bollywood (Hindi: , Urdu: ) is the informal name given to the popular Mumbai-based Hindi-language film industry in India. ... Lata Mangeshkar (Marathi/Hindi:लता मंगेशकर) (born September 28, 1929) is an Indian singer. ... Asha Bhosle[1] (Marathi: ) (born September 8, 1933) is an Indian singer. ... This biographical article needs to be wikified. ... Kishori Amonkar (born April 10, 1931) is a noted Hindustani music performer who is known for singing in the Jaipur Gharana style. ... Shri Jitendra Abhisheki (Born: 21 September, 1929 Died: 7 November, 1998) was a performer of classical, semi-classical, and devotional music in Maharashtra, India. ... Hindustani vocalist Surashri Kesarbai Kerkar (b. ... Deenanath Mangeshkar (Devanagari: दीनानाथ मंगेशकर) (Born: December 31, 1900/January 1, 1901. ... For other uses, see Goa (disambiguation). ... Anthony Prabhu Gonsalves (90s in 2005) is an Indian musical composer and teacher from the village of Majorda (near Margao in Goa, India) who, during the mid-1960s, attempted to merge the symphonies of his Goan heritage with the Hindustani melodies and rhythms in films of the day. ... In the fictional television series Charmed, Chris Perry is second whitelighter of the Charmed Ones. ...
Damodar Dharmanand Kosambi (1907-1966) renowned Indologist.
Dharmanand Kosambi (1876-1947) studied Pali and was a renowned Buddhist scholar.
Rev Dr Hubert Olympus Mascarenhas (1905-1973), educationist, was an Indologist of repute who spoke 11 European languages, in addition to Sanskrit and several Indian languages.
Jose Gerson da Cunha (1844-1900) ,one of India's prominent historian and Orientalist. Besides Konkani and Portuguese, French, English and Sanskrit, he could handle Pehlevi, Italian, Persian and German, Marathi.
Damodar Dharmanand Kosambi (1907–1966) was an Indian historian, mathematician, physicist, Marxist philosopher, numismatist and Peace activist. ...
Senior police
Julio Francis Ribeiro, "super-cop". Served as chief of police in Mumbai, and Governor of Punjab, during its troubled period of history. Later ambassador to Romania.
Caejetan Joseph Vincent Miranda, of Loutolim, was director of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, India.
This article or section does not adequately cite its references or sources. ...
Political campaigners
Abbé Faria, a priest, a key participant in the Conspiracy Of The Pintos; later became a famous hypnotist and revolutionary in France.
Pio Gama Pinto, supported Africa in colonial times, and rose to become director of the Pan African Press.
Keith Vaz, Aden-born politician of Goan origin in the House of Commons. Member in the first Cabinet of Tony Blair.
Rama Krishna Hegde, played the role of peace-maker between opposing factions of Goan patriots.
Telo Mascarenhas, freedom-fighter and also did a Portuguese translation of the autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi.
Laxmikant Bhembre, in forced exile in Portugal, conducted classes on the Bhagvadgita for Portuguese enthusiasts.
Terekholvir Alfred Alfonso. Led group of satyagrahis to the Terekhol fort in Goa, during campaign against Portuguese rule.
Eduardo Faleiro: prominent politician and former central minister.
Statue of Abbé Faria next to the Old Secretariat in Panaji // Abbé Faria, or Abbé (Abbot) José Custódio de Faria, (May 30, 1746 - September 20, 1819), was a colourful Indo-Portuguese monk who was one of the pioneers of the scientific study of hypnotism, following on from the work... Conspiracy Of The Pintos, also known as Conspiracy Of Goa or Pinto Revolt was the little known rebellion against Portuguese rule in Goa, India in 1787. ... PIO GAMA PINTO was born in Nairobi on 31st March, 1927. ... Nigel Keith Anthony Standish Vaz, known simply as Keith Vaz (born November 26, 1956), is a British Labour party politician and Member of Parliament for Leicester East. ... Port of Aden (around 1910). ... For other people of the same name, see Tony Blair (disambiguation) Anthony Charles Lynton Blair (born May 6, 1953)[1] is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, First Lord of the Treasury, Minister for the Civil Service, Leader of the Labour Party, and Member of Parliament for the constituency... Eduardo Faleiro is an Indian politician, and former federal minister, who traces his roots to Goa. ...
AirChiefMarshal H Mulgaonkar
Air Marshal Loretto Pereira
Air Marshal Terence Joseph de Sa (b.1928) of Sangolda
Major General Antonio Caetano da Silva (b.1930) of Benaulim
Lt. Gen. F.T.Dias of Velcao
Lt. Gen.S.L.Menezes of Sangolda
Lt.Gen Eric Alexander Vas of Saligao
Gen Sunit Francis Rodrigues of Curtorim, who rose to head the Indian army. Currently (2006), Governor of Punjab.
Group Captain Conrad Dalton, VM of Siolim
Commodore Dias, from Ambora, Salsete Goa, Indian Navy
Vice Admiral John C. De Silva PVSM,AVSM (Retd) of Navelim
Judges and lawyers
Fitz R S de Souza, barrister-at-law and PhD from London, was an important figure in African politics. Participated in Kenya's struggle for freedom.
John Maximian Nazareth (1908-1989) was president of the East African Indian Congress, and also served as puisne judge of the Kenya Supreme Court.
Justice Vassant Krishna Tamba (b.1926) has served as a judge of the Supreme Court of Portugal.
Aleixo Antonio Xavier Jose Ludovico da Costa (1904-1976), served as judge in Angola and Mozambique.
Justice Kashinath Trimbak Telang, called to the bar at the age of 22 and was an authority on Hindu Law. Later was judge of the High Court of Bombay.
Luis da Cunha Gonsalves, (b.1875) wrote as many as 14 volumes on his studies of Civil Law.
Wolfgang Dourado Attorney General, Zanzibar.
Fitz often known as Dr FRS de Souza studied law in 1947 at the age of 18 at Lincolns Inn in London and was called to the bar. ... // Artists impression of an English and Irish barrister A barrister is a lawyer found in many common law jurisdictions which employ a split profession (as opposed to a fused profession) in relation to legal representation. ...
Technocrats, senior officials and designers
John Francis Ludger Gracias (1888-1969), among the first Goans to migrate to Kenya, played a major role in the establishment of the Kenya and Uganda Railways and Harbours. Awarded with an MBE by King Edward VIII, one of the few honours bestowed by King Edward in his short reign.
Bismark Dias, brilliant civil engineer, remembered for designing the town of Vasco da Gama, with its tree-lined boulevards and gardens. In the US, he has done work on devices used in colour TV receivers, and also ultrasound imaging devices.
Charles Correa, prominent architect .
Suman Moolgaokar, called the father of India's automobile industry.
The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire is a British order of chivalry established on 4 June 1917 by King George V. The Order includes five classes in civil and military divisions; in decreasing order of seniority, these are Knight Grand Cross or Dame Grand Cross (GBE) Knight Commander... King Edward VIII King of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, King of Ireland Emperor of India His Majesty King Edward VIII, (Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David), later His Royal Highness The Duke of Windsor (23 June 1894 – 28 May 1972) was the second British monarch of the... Map of Goa Vasco da Gama(Konkani/Marathi : वासà¥à¤•à¥‹) (often shortened to Vasco) is a city in Goa state on the west coast of India. ... Charles Correa (born in Hyderabad, India on September 1, 1930) is an Indian architect, planner, activist, theoretician and a fundamental figure in the world-wide panorama of contemporary architecture. ... “Car†and “Cars†redirect here. ...
Professors and Educationists
Prof Armando Menezes, prominent educationist who influenced a generation and more of students at Dharwad and elsewhere.
Dr Victor F B de Mello, rose to professorships at the three principal universities in São Paulo.
Dr Ulhas S Parab, first educationist to accomplish Ph.D. in faculty of Commerce and Management from Goa after liberation of Goa, who has been instrumental in motivating younger generation of Goa for higher studies.
Dr. Damodar SarDesai, well-published Professor Emeritus at UCLA who also served as the President of the (Formerly Royal) Asiatic Society of Bombay from 1989-1999.
The Asiatic Society of Bombay is a public state library in the city of Mumbai, India. ...
Editors, journalists
Frank Moraes, editor of many prominent newspapers in post-Independence India, including The Indian Express.
Dom Moraes (b.1938) has won the American Press Club Citation for Excellence in Reporting, for some 20 articles he wrote for the "New York Times Sunday Magazine". Also a poet. Died earlier this decade.
This article does not cite any references or sources. ... Dominic Francis Moraes (July 19, 1938 - June 2, 2004), popularly known as Dom Moraes was an Indian writer, poet and columnist. ...
Dom Martin, noted artist, paintings on permanent display in the Bom Jesus Basilica and the Basilica art gallery, Old Goa, India.
John Baptist De Silva, award winner - another popular world-renowed artist hailing from the island of Zanzibar, Tanzania.
Francis Newton Souza, (1924-2003), world-renowned artist.
Ramchandra Pandurang Kamat of Madkai, hailed as a genius among the sculptors of his time.
Angelo da Fonseca, noted for presenting Christian themes in Indian style.
Mario de Miranda, famous for his cartoons in The Illustrated Weekly of India, and a Padma Vibushan Awardee
Professor Simon Fernandes, - Part Goan. Part south Indian. One of the greatest copy writers of our time. Last years of his life he served as Professor of Advertising. Worked on several regional brands in a rather creative and rewarding lifetime. One of the biggest inspirations to the world of Indian Advertising.
The Bom Jesus Basilica. ... Eros Killing Thanos (1984) by F.N. Souza Francis Newton Souza (April 12, 1928 - March 28, 2002) was an Indian artist. ... For other uses, see Christian (disambiguation). ... A book cover illustrated by Mario Miranda Dalai Lamas Painting by Mario Miranda Mario Miranda is a well-known cartoonist based in Loutolim,Goa, India. ...
Garcia (Avraham) de Orta, physician, druggist, and botanist (1523-1580). Wrote and published first major book on Indian drugs and remedies. He was a Portuguese/Spanish Jew who lived some time in Goa.
Dr Norman Lewis, one of India's pioneer of the food-irradiation programme.
Emidio Afonso, just out of his teens, he reconstructed with the simplest available material a simplified version of Sir J C Bose's crescograph, an instrument for measuring the sensitivity of plants.
Dr Froilano de Mello (1877-1955), a Goan who discovered protozoa, parasites, microbes and viruses many of which bear the Latin name given by him followed by the name "de Mello" as the discoverer. Research scientist of high caliber, a successful professor. Did remarkable work for improving the health of the malaria-endemic city of Old Goa by mapping the entire area so as to discover the source of malaria. Fought valiant battles against TB and leprosy and hailed as one of the foremost leprologists.
Anil Kakodkar, eminent nuclear scientist and Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission
Raghunath Mashelkar, eminent scientist and head of the prestigious Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Anil Kakodkar is an Indian nuclear scientist. ... Raghunath Anant Mashelkar (Marathi: रघà¥à¤¨à¤¾à¤¥ अनंत माशेलकर) born January 1, 1943 in Mashel, Goa, is a world-renowned leader in science and technology. ...
Religious leaders
Valerian Gracias, Cardinal in Bombay (Mumbai/Goa)
Joseph Cordeiro, Cardinal in Pakistan (Karachi/Goa)
Ivan Dias, Cardinal Prefect, Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Rome (Mumbai/Goa)
Filipe Neri António Sebastião do Rosário Ferrão, current Archbishop of Goa e Damao
Raul Nicolau Gonsalves, Archbishop Emeritus of Goa e Damao
Anthony De Mello, Jesuit priest and author
Fr. Chico Monteiro
Evarist Pinto, Archbishop of Karachi, Pakistan
-1... Joseph Marie Anthony Cordeiro was born in Bombay, India on 19 Jan 1918 to parents of Goan origin. ... Ivan Cardinal Dias is the Archbishop of Bombay in Mumbai, India. ... Filipe Neri António Sebastião do Rosário Ferrão (born January 20, 1953 in Aldona, India) is the seventh Roman Catholic Patriarch of the East Indies and thirty-fifth Archbishop (thirty-seventh bishop) of Goa and Daman, India. ... Anthony de Mello (1931 - 1987) was a Jesuit priest and psychotherapist who gained fame for his books on spirituality. ... // FR. CHICO MONTEIRO (1918-1990) Sanctity assures every soul the right of citizenship in God’s Celestial Kingdom, and no earthly being has the moral authority to overturn this intrinsic right. ... Evarist Pinto was born in Goa, India on 31 Dec 1933. ...
Medical professionals
Dr Miguel Caetano Dias
Dr. Eufemiano Rosario Lorenzo Cardoso
This article does not cite its references or sources. ...
Dom Moraes
Manoharai Sardessai, Konkani Novelist
Reginald Fernandes, Konkani Novelist and well known violin player. wrote over 100 much read and appreciated novels.
George Menezes, humour writer and management expert.
Frank Simoes, a passionate Goan Advertising person, Author of "Glad season in Goa"
Lambert Mascarenhas, author of the classic Novel "Sorrowing Lies My Land" (1955) which was reprinted thrice, the novel has been translated into Marathi, Telugu and Konkani. Lambert was the editor of Goan Tribune, the fortnightly dedicated to the cause of Goa’s freedom from the Portuguese rule. He is also the founder editor of "Goa Today" and former editor of "The Navhind Times" and was awarded the State Cultural award.
Jose Pereira (b.1931), a writer, orator, historian, musicologist, theologian and a naturalist of a high order.
Fr Antonio Pereira (1919-2004) has scores of books and publications to his credit, mainly in Konkani.
Mons. Sebastiao Rodolfo Dalgado (1855-1922) of Assagao , linguist. Knew Malayalam, Sinhala, Bengali, Kannada,Marathi, Sanskrit. In 1892, he produced a Konkani-Portuguese dictionary and later a grammar.
Dom Martin, COEXISTENCE: Humanity's Wailing Wall, Exodus to Eternity
Krishnadas Shama, sixteenth century Quelossim genius, left behind several stories in pure Konkani.
Teotonio R. de Souza, b. 1947, Historian, Founder-Director of Xavier Centre of Historical Research, Goa (1979-1994), Fellow of the Portuguese Academy of History, author of Medieval Goa (1979), Goa to Me (1994), and a dozen of edited books as well as nearly 200 research articles on Goan History and Culture listed at Co-founder of Goa Research Net with Frederick Noronha in 1997, and its Moderator till date.
Tony Martin (Canacona): Freelance writer and author, teaches English at the +2 level. His books: Naked Goa, It's a Funny World and The Practical English Teacher. Dominic Francis Moraes (July 19, 1938 - June 2, 2004), popularly known as Dom Moraes was an Indian writer, poet and columnist. ... Frank Simoes was born in 1937 in Mumbai. ...
Bernardo Peres da Silva of Neurá. Appointed Prefect of Estado da Índia Portuguesa in 1835, the only Goan to hold a post equivalent to a Governor-General.
Anthony Lancelot Dias, ICS (b.1910) was praised for negotiating India's foodgrains with "great ability and success". He was appointed Lt. Governor of Tripura in 1970 and later Governor of West Bengal.
Business leaders
Victor J Menezes (b.1949) of Bardez, used to head Citicorp.
Peter Joseph Joaquim Pinto (b.1915) of Sangolda has been appointed alternate executive director for India on the boards of the IMF and World Bank.
Prabhakar R Narvekar appointed one of the three deputy managing directors of the IMF.
See also
List of Konkani poets
List of people by India state
Below is the list of: poets of Indian Origin poets born in India poets from other regions of the world who are masters of poetry in Indian languages. ... The following is a list of people of India, by state and territory: List of people from Andhra Pradesh List of people from Assam List of people from Bihar List of people from Chhattisgarh List of people from Delhi List of people from Goa List of people from Gujarat List...
External links
This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
Categories: Cleanup from July 2006 | All pages needing cleanup | Incomplete lists | Lists of Indians by state | Goa | People from Goa | Konkani
This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards.
Please improve this article if you can.
gaspar almeida
This is a list of famous and notable people from Goa, India. This list aims to include persons who are known to a large number of people, and is not based on the extent of their popularity. Neither is the list viewed from the context of the present. Their fame could be brief, what matters is that they were well-known during the peak of their popularity. Image File history File links Broom_icon. ... For other uses, see Goa (disambiguation). ...
1 Sports personalities
2 Olympians
3 Musicians
4 Indologists
5 Senior police
6 Political campaigners
7 Military
8 Judges and lawyers
9 Technocrats, senior officials and designers
10 Professors and Educationists
11 Editors, journalists
12 Artists
13 Scientists
14 Religious leaders
15 Medical professionals
16 Writers
17 Governors
18 Business leaders
19 See also
20 External links
Sports personalities
Brahmanand Sankhwalkar, prominent soccer player and former Goa captain. One of Goa's best goalkeepers. An Arjuna awardee for his achievements in sports.
Bruno Coutinho, prominent Indian footballer and Arjuna awardee.
Leander Paes (b. 1973-), international tennis player.
Dilip Sardessai, former cricketer.
Dr VC Paes, sports medicine.
Dr Owen Pinto, sports medicine, Bombay.
Wallis Mathias and Antao Souza - represented Pakistan cricket team in Tests in the 1950s and early 60s.
Brahmanand Sankhwalkar is a prominent soccer player and former Goa captain. ... To meet Wikipedias quality standards, this article may require cleanup. ... Leander Adrian Paes (born June 17, 1973) is an Indian male tennis professional, who currently features predominantly in the doubles events in the ATP tour and the Davis Cup events. ... Dilip Sardesai is a former cricketer. ... Wallis Mathias (born February 4, 1935, Karachi, Sind, died September 1, 1994, Karachi) was a Pakistani cricketer who played in 21 Tests from 1955 to 1962. ...
Neville D'Souza: Soccer, 1956, representing India
Fortunato Franco: Soccer, 1960, representing India
Peter Paul Fernandes: Field Hockey, 1936 representing India and 1948 representing Pakistan
Leo Pinto: Field Hockey, 1948, representing India
Lawrie Fernandes: Field Hockey, 1948, representing India
Walter D'Souza: Field Hockey, 1948, representing India
Maxie Vaz: Field Hockey, 1948, representing India
Reginald Rodrigues: Field Hockey, 1948, representing India
Vece Paes: Field Hockey, 1972, representing India
Joaquim Carvalho: Field Hockey, 1976, representing India
Jack Britto: Field Hockey, 1952, representing Pakistan
Zeno Fernandes: Field Hockey, 1968, representing Mexico
George Moraes: Field Hockey, 1972, representing Uganda
William Lobo: Field Hockey, 1972, representing Uganda
Polycarp Pereira: Field Hockey, 1972, , representing Uganda
Rui Saldanha: Field Hockey, 1972, representing England
Leopold Gracias: Field Hockey, 1980, representing Tanzania
Steve D'silva: Field Hockey, 1980, representing Tanzania
Freddy Furtado: Field Hockey, 1980, representing Tanzania
Dr. Sotor D'silva: Field Hockey, 1980, representing Tanzania
Benedict Mendes: Field Hockey, 1980, representing Tanzania
Trevor Fernandes: Field Hockey, 1984, representing USA
Wayne Fernandes: Field Hockey, 2000, representing Canada
Robin D'Abreo: Field Hockey, 2000, representing Canada
Rosario S F Dalgado: Field Hockey, 1956, representing Kenya
Aloysius E Mendonca: Field Hockey, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968 (captained in 1960), representing Kenya
Michael Estavo Pereira: Field Hockey, 1956, representing Kenya
George Andre Saude: Field Hockey, 1960, 1964, representing Kenya
Anthony Querobino Vaz: Field Hockey, 1956, 1960, 1964, representing Kenya
Edgar Simon Fernandes: Field Hockey, 1960, 1964, representing Kenya
Reynold Anthony Da Souza: Field Hockey, 1956, 1964, representing Kenya
Hilary John Fernandes: Field Hockey, 1960, 1964, 1968, representing Kenya
Egbert Carmo Fernandes: Field Hockey, 1960, 1964, 1968, representing Kenya
Silvester Fernandes: Field Hockey, 1960, 1964, 1968, representing Kenya
Leo Ciriaco Fernandes: Field Hockey, 1964, 1968, 1972, representing Kenya
Reynold Pereira: Field Hockey, 1968, 1972, representing Kenya
Phillip Da Souza: Field Hockey, 1972, representing Kenya
Patrick Martins: Field Hockey, 1984, representing Kenya
Raphael Fernandes: Field Hockey, 1984, representing Kenya
Seraphino Antao: Athletics, 1960, representing Kenya
Lavy Pinto: Athletics, 1952, representing India
Edward Sequeira, Athletics, 1972, representing India
Remo Fernandes prominent Goan pop star and Bollywood playback singer.
Chris Perry
Lorna, Goa's nightingale
Lata Mangeshkar, great playback singer of Bollywood. Has a world-record for the highest number of recorded songs
Asha Bhosle Another great playback singer.Younger sis of Lata Mangeshakar
Aniket Shirodkar, Goa-based musician awarded posthumous state award for his contribution to arts and culture in Goa.
Antonio Fortunato de Figueiredo, conductor, violinist (1903-1981). Founder-director of Academia de Musica (now Dept of Western Classical Music, Kala Academy), founder-director Orquestra Sinfonica de Goa (Goa Symphony Orchestra).
Rev Dr Lourdino Barreto, author of over 100 major works, and his compositions have been performed both in India and abroad.
Mugubai Kurdikar Famous classical singer
Kishori Amonkar, noted Indian classical singer.
Jitendra Abhisheki, noted Indian musician.
Prabhakar Karekar, Noted Indian classical singer. A great singer of (Natyasangeet).
Late Olegario Frank, gifted opera singer based in the UK.
Kesarbai Kerkar (1892-1977).
Deenanath Mangeshkar, after whom the auditorium at the Kala Academy, Goa is named.
Joao Agostinho Fernandes, (1871-1947), father of the Goan tiatr.
Maestro Anthony Gonsalves from Majorda now in his nineties, the man who pioneered the introduction of Western harmony in Hindi film music and who worked with S D Burman and Naushad Ali.
Jose Cordeiro, Saligao, (1911-1982). Goa-based musician awarded posthumous state award for his contribution to arts and culture in Goa. Tenor singer and participant of the All Goa Mando Festival, training both adults and youth in traditional Goan folk songs. Also known locally for his renditions of 'motets'(Psalms on the Passion of Christ) on All India Radio, Goa.
Chris Perry, died 25 January 2002. One of the finest proponents of Konkani music, his compositions broke all barriers & took the genre of Konkani music to dizzying heights. A luminary of the Bombay jazz scene in his heyday, a trumpet virtuoso.
Harvey D'Souza, violin. Studied at the Menuhin School of Music. Now leads the Orchestra of the Academy of St Martin-in-the-Fields, London.
Remo Fernandes is a popular pop/rock/Indian fusion artist and playback singer from the state of Goa, India. ... Bollywood (Hindi: , Urdu: ) is the informal name given to the popular Mumbai-based Hindi-language film industry in India. ... Lata Mangeshkar (Marathi/Hindi:लता मंगेशकर) (born September 28, 1929) is an Indian singer. ... Asha Bhosle[1] (Marathi: ) (born September 8, 1933) is an Indian singer. ... This biographical article needs to be wikified. ... Kishori Amonkar (born April 10, 1931) is a noted Hindustani music performer who is known for singing in the Jaipur Gharana style. ... Shri Jitendra Abhisheki (Born: 21 September, 1929 Died: 7 November, 1998) was a performer of classical, semi-classical, and devotional music in Maharashtra, India. ... Hindustani vocalist Surashri Kesarbai Kerkar (b. ... Deenanath Mangeshkar (Devanagari: दीनानाथ मंगेशकर) (Born: December 31, 1900/January 1, 1901. ... For other uses, see Goa (disambiguation). ... Anthony Prabhu Gonsalves (90s in 2005) is an Indian musical composer and teacher from the village of Majorda (near Margao in Goa, India) who, during the mid-1960s, attempted to merge the symphonies of his Goan heritage with the Hindustani melodies and rhythms in films of the day. ... In the fictional television series Charmed, Chris Perry is second whitelighter of the Charmed Ones. ...
Damodar Dharmanand Kosambi (1907-1966) renowned Indologist.
Dharmanand Kosambi (1876-1947) studied Pali and was a renowned Buddhist scholar.
Rev Dr Hubert Olympus Mascarenhas (1905-1973), educationist, was an Indologist of repute who spoke 11 European languages, in addition to Sanskrit and several Indian languages.
Jose Gerson da Cunha (1844-1900) ,one of India's prominent historian and Orientalist. Besides Konkani and Portuguese, French, English and Sanskrit, he could handle Pehlevi, Italian, Persian and German, Marathi.
Damodar Dharmanand Kosambi (1907–1966) was an Indian historian, mathematician, physicist, Marxist philosopher, numismatist and Peace activist. ...
Senior police
Julio Francis Ribeiro, "super-cop". Served as chief of police in Mumbai, and Governor of Punjab, during its troubled period of history. Later ambassador to Romania.
Caejetan Joseph Vincent Miranda, of Loutolim, was director of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, India.
This article or section does not adequately cite its references or sources. ...
Political campaigners
Abbé Faria, a priest, a key participant in the Conspiracy Of The Pintos; later became a famous hypnotist and revolutionary in France.
Pio Gama Pinto, supported Africa in colonial times, and rose to become director of the Pan African Press.
Keith Vaz, Aden-born politician of Goan origin in the House of Commons. Member in the first Cabinet of Tony Blair.
Rama Krishna Hegde, played the role of peace-maker between opposing factions of Goan patriots.
Telo Mascarenhas, freedom-fighter and also did a Portuguese translation of the autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi.
Laxmikant Bhembre, in forced exile in Portugal, conducted classes on the Bhagvadgita for Portuguese enthusiasts.
Terekholvir Alfred Alfonso. Led group of satyagrahis to the Terekhol fort in Goa, during campaign against Portuguese rule.
Eduardo Faleiro: prominent politician and former central minister.
Statue of Abbé Faria next to the Old Secretariat in Panaji // Abbé Faria, or Abbé (Abbot) José Custódio de Faria, (May 30, 1746 - September 20, 1819), was a colourful Indo-Portuguese monk who was one of the pioneers of the scientific study of hypnotism, following on from the work... Conspiracy Of The Pintos, also known as Conspiracy Of Goa or Pinto Revolt was the little known rebellion against Portuguese rule in Goa, India in 1787. ... PIO GAMA PINTO was born in Nairobi on 31st March, 1927. ... Nigel Keith Anthony Standish Vaz, known simply as Keith Vaz (born November 26, 1956), is a British Labour party politician and Member of Parliament for Leicester East. ... Port of Aden (around 1910). ... For other people of the same name, see Tony Blair (disambiguation) Anthony Charles Lynton Blair (born May 6, 1953)[1] is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, First Lord of the Treasury, Minister for the Civil Service, Leader of the Labour Party, and Member of Parliament for the constituency... Eduardo Faleiro is an Indian politician, and former federal minister, who traces his roots to Goa. ...
AirChiefMarshal H Mulgaonkar
Air Marshal Loretto Pereira
Air Marshal Terence Joseph de Sa (b.1928) of Sangolda
Major General Antonio Caetano da Silva (b.1930) of Benaulim
Lt. Gen. F.T.Dias of Velcao
Lt. Gen.S.L.Menezes of Sangolda
Lt.Gen Eric Alexander Vas of Saligao
Gen Sunit Francis Rodrigues of Curtorim, who rose to head the Indian army. Currently (2006), Governor of Punjab.
Group Captain Conrad Dalton, VM of Siolim
Commodore Dias, from Ambora, Salsete Goa, Indian Navy
Vice Admiral John C. De Silva PVSM,AVSM (Retd) of Navelim
Judges and lawyers
Fitz R S de Souza, barrister-at-law and PhD from London, was an important figure in African politics. Participated in Kenya's struggle for freedom.
John Maximian Nazareth (1908-1989) was president of the East African Indian Congress, and also served as puisne judge of the Kenya Supreme Court.
Justice Vassant Krishna Tamba (b.1926) has served as a judge of the Supreme Court of Portugal.
Aleixo Antonio Xavier Jose Ludovico da Costa (1904-1976), served as judge in Angola and Mozambique.
Justice Kashinath Trimbak Telang, called to the bar at the age of 22 and was an authority on Hindu Law. Later was judge of the High Court of Bombay.
Luis da Cunha Gonsalves, (b.1875) wrote as many as 14 volumes on his studies of Civil Law.
Wolfgang Dourado Attorney General, Zanzibar.
Fitz often known as Dr FRS de Souza studied law in 1947 at the age of 18 at Lincolns Inn in London and was called to the bar. ... // Artists impression of an English and Irish barrister A barrister is a lawyer found in many common law jurisdictions which employ a split profession (as opposed to a fused profession) in relation to legal representation. ...
Technocrats, senior officials and designers
John Francis Ludger Gracias (1888-1969), among the first Goans to migrate to Kenya, played a major role in the establishment of the Kenya and Uganda Railways and Harbours. Awarded with an MBE by King Edward VIII, one of the few honours bestowed by King Edward in his short reign.
Bismark Dias, brilliant civil engineer, remembered for designing the town of Vasco da Gama, with its tree-lined boulevards and gardens. In the US, he has done work on devices used in colour TV receivers, and also ultrasound imaging devices.
Charles Correa, prominent architect .
Suman Moolgaokar, called the father of India's automobile industry.
The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire is a British order of chivalry established on 4 June 1917 by King George V. The Order includes five classes in civil and military divisions; in decreasing order of seniority, these are Knight Grand Cross or Dame Grand Cross (GBE) Knight Commander... King Edward VIII King of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, King of Ireland Emperor of India His Majesty King Edward VIII, (Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David), later His Royal Highness The Duke of Windsor (23 June 1894 – 28 May 1972) was the second British monarch of the... Map of Goa Vasco da Gama(Konkani/Marathi : वासà¥à¤•à¥‹) (often shortened to Vasco) is a city in Goa state on the west coast of India. ... Charles Correa (born in Hyderabad, India on September 1, 1930) is an Indian architect, planner, activist, theoretician and a fundamental figure in the world-wide panorama of contemporary architecture. ... “Car†and “Cars†redirect here. ...
Professors and Educationists
Prof Armando Menezes, prominent educationist who influenced a generation and more of students at Dharwad and elsewhere.
Dr Victor F B de Mello, rose to professorships at the three principal universities in São Paulo.
Dr Ulhas S Parab, first educationist to accomplish Ph.D. in faculty of Commerce and Management from Goa after liberation of Goa, who has been instrumental in motivating younger generation of Goa for higher studies.
Dr. Damodar SarDesai, well-published Professor Emeritus at UCLA who also served as the President of the (Formerly Royal) Asiatic Society of Bombay from 1989-1999.
The Asiatic Society of Bombay is a public state library in the city of Mumbai, India. ...
Editors, journalists
Frank Moraes, editor of many prominent newspapers in post-Independence India, including The Indian Express.
Dom Moraes (b.1938) has won the American Press Club Citation for Excellence in Reporting, for some 20 articles he wrote for the "New York Times Sunday Magazine". Also a poet. Died earlier this decade.
This article does not cite any references or sources. ... Dominic Francis Moraes (July 19, 1938 - June 2, 2004), popularly known as Dom Moraes was an Indian writer, poet and columnist. ...
Dom Martin, noted artist, paintings on permanent display in the Bom Jesus Basilica and the Basilica art gallery, Old Goa, India.
John Baptist De Silva, award winner - another popular world-renowed artist hailing from the island of Zanzibar, Tanzania.
Francis Newton Souza, (1924-2003), world-renowned artist.
Ramchandra Pandurang Kamat of Madkai, hailed as a genius among the sculptors of his time.
Angelo da Fonseca, noted for presenting Christian themes in Indian style.
Mario de Miranda, famous for his cartoons in The Illustrated Weekly of India, and a Padma Vibushan Awardee
Professor Simon Fernandes, - Part Goan. Part south Indian. One of the greatest copy writers of our time. Last years of his life he served as Professor of Advertising. Worked on several regional brands in a rather creative and rewarding lifetime. One of the biggest inspirations to the world of Indian Advertising.
The Bom Jesus Basilica. ... Eros Killing Thanos (1984) by F.N. Souza Francis Newton Souza (April 12, 1928 - March 28, 2002) was an Indian artist. ... For other uses, see Christian (disambiguation). ... A book cover illustrated by Mario Miranda Dalai Lamas Painting by Mario Miranda Mario Miranda is a well-known cartoonist based in Loutolim,Goa, India. ...
Garcia (Avraham) de Orta, physician, druggist, and botanist (1523-1580). Wrote and published first major book on Indian drugs and remedies. He was a Portuguese/Spanish Jew who lived some time in Goa.
Dr Norman Lewis, one of India's pioneer of the food-irradiation programme.
Emidio Afonso, just out of his teens, he reconstructed with the simplest available material a simplified version of Sir J C Bose's crescograph, an instrument for measuring the sensitivity of plants.
Dr Froilano de Mello (1877-1955), a Goan who discovered protozoa, parasites, microbes and viruses many of which bear the Latin name given by him followed by the name "de Mello" as the discoverer. Research scientist of high caliber, a successful professor. Did remarkable work for improving the health of the malaria-endemic city of Old Goa by mapping the entire area so as to discover the source of malaria. Fought valiant battles against TB and leprosy and hailed as one of the foremost leprologists.
Anil Kakodkar, eminent nuclear scientist and Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission
Raghunath Mashelkar, eminent scientist and head of the prestigious Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Anil Kakodkar is an Indian nuclear scientist. ... Raghunath Anant Mashelkar (Marathi: रघà¥à¤¨à¤¾à¤¥ अनंत माशेलकर) born January 1, 1943 in Mashel, Goa, is a world-renowned leader in science and technology. ...
Religious leaders
Valerian Gracias, Cardinal in Bombay (Mumbai/Goa)
Joseph Cordeiro, Cardinal in Pakistan (Karachi/Goa)
Ivan Dias, Cardinal Prefect, Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Rome (Mumbai/Goa)
Filipe Neri António Sebastião do Rosário Ferrão, current Archbishop of Goa e Damao
Raul Nicolau Gonsalves, Archbishop Emeritus of Goa e Damao
Anthony De Mello, Jesuit priest and author
Fr. Chico Monteiro
Evarist Pinto, Archbishop of Karachi, Pakistan
-1... Joseph Marie Anthony Cordeiro was born in Bombay, India on 19 Jan 1918 to parents of Goan origin. ... Ivan Cardinal Dias is the Archbishop of Bombay in Mumbai, India. ... Filipe Neri António Sebastião do Rosário Ferrão (born January 20, 1953 in Aldona, India) is the seventh Roman Catholic Patriarch of the East Indies and thirty-fifth Archbishop (thirty-seventh bishop) of Goa and Daman, India. ... Anthony de Mello (1931 - 1987) was a Jesuit priest and psychotherapist who gained fame for his books on spirituality. ... // FR. CHICO MONTEIRO (1918-1990) Sanctity assures every soul the right of citizenship in God’s Celestial Kingdom, and no earthly being has the moral authority to overturn this intrinsic right. ... Evarist Pinto was born in Goa, India on 31 Dec 1933. ...
Medical professionals
Dr Miguel Caetano Dias
Dr. Eufemiano Rosario Lorenzo Cardoso
This article does not cite its references or sources. ...
Dom Moraes
Manoharai Sardessai, Konkani Novelist
Reginald Fernandes, Konkani Novelist and well known violin player. wrote over 100 much read and appreciated novels.
George Menezes, humour writer and management expert.
Frank Simoes, a passionate Goan Advertising person, Author of "Glad season in Goa"
Lambert Mascarenhas, author of the classic Novel "Sorrowing Lies My Land" (1955) which was reprinted thrice, the novel has been translated into Marathi, Telugu and Konkani. Lambert was the editor of Goan Tribune, the fortnightly dedicated to the cause of Goa’s freedom from the Portuguese rule. He is also the founder editor of "Goa Today" and former editor of "The Navhind Times" and was awarded the State Cultural award.
Jose Pereira (b.1931), a writer, orator, historian, musicologist, theologian and a naturalist of a high order.
Fr Antonio Pereira (1919-2004) has scores of books and publications to his credit, mainly in Konkani.
Mons. Sebastiao Rodolfo Dalgado (1855-1922) of Assagao , linguist. Knew Malayalam, Sinhala, Bengali, Kannada,Marathi, Sanskrit. In 1892, he produced a Konkani-Portuguese dictionary and later a grammar.
Dom Martin, COEXISTENCE: Humanity's Wailing Wall, Exodus to Eternity
Krishnadas Shama, sixteenth century Quelossim genius, left behind several stories in pure Konkani.
Teotonio R. de Souza, b. 1947, Historian, Founder-Director of Xavier Centre of Historical Research, Goa (1979-1994), Fellow of the Portuguese Academy of History, author of Medieval Goa (1979), Goa to Me (1994), and a dozen of edited books as well as nearly 200 research articles on Goan History and Culture listed at Co-founder of Goa Research Net with Frederick Noronha in 1997, and its Moderator till date.
Tony Martin (Canacona): Freelance writer and author, teaches English at the +2 level. His books: Naked Goa, It's a Funny World and The Practical English Teacher. Dominic Francis Moraes (July 19, 1938 - June 2, 2004), popularly known as Dom Moraes was an Indian writer, poet and columnist. ... Frank Simoes was born in 1937 in Mumbai. ...
Bernardo Peres da Silva of Neurá. Appointed Prefect of Estado da Índia Portuguesa in 1835, the only Goan to hold a post equivalent to a Governor-General.
Anthony Lancelot Dias, ICS (b.1910) was praised for negotiating India's foodgrains with "great ability and success". He was appointed Lt. Governor of Tripura in 1970 and later Governor of West Bengal.
Business leaders
Victor J Menezes (b.1949) of Bardez, used to head Citicorp.
Peter Joseph Joaquim Pinto (b.1915) of Sangolda has been appointed alternate executive director for India on the boards of the IMF and World Bank.
Prabhakar R Narvekar appointed one of the three deputy managing directors of the IMF.
See also
List of Konkani poets
List of people by India state
Below is the list of: poets of Indian Origin poets born in India poets from other regions of the world who are masters of poetry in Indian languages. ... The following is a list of people of India, by state and territory: List of people from Andhra Pradesh List of people from Assam List of people from Bihar List of people from Chhattisgarh List of people from Delhi List of people from Goa List of people from Gujarat List...
External links
This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
Categories: Cleanup from July 2006 | All pages needing cleanup | Incomplete lists | Lists of Indians by state | Goa | People from Goa | Konkani
This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards.
Please improve this article if you can.
gaspar almeida
Adeus Hermegildo = Konkani tiatr palkacher kallok poddlo

Photo Source: Daniel F. de Souza (Vasoc).
::Pollelam tem Boroilam ::
Adeus Hermegildo
Konknni tiatr palkacher kallok poddlo. Konknni sonvsar dukhant xevttlo. Konknni palkachem anik ek noketr - Hermegildo Camilo, zaka ak’kho sonvsar H. Britton mhunn vollkhotale, Setembrache 24ver hea sonvsarak ontorlo. Aitaradis Setembrache 27ver Penha de Franca, Brittona hangasor tacho inter zalo. Konknni tiatr palkacho anik ek avesvor somplo mhollear fott zauchina.
Boro kantorist
H. Britton ek boreantlo boro kantorist zaun gelo. Tannem hozaramni kantaram gaileant. To boro kantorist also tantum matui dubav na punn, punn to ek boro kantaram ghoddpi - ‘lyricist’ - ui aslo. Tachea kantaramni Gõy somazache poristhitichem chitr astalem ani tantuntleanuch to tiatr pollennarank khoxal dovrunk vavurtalo. Aiz porian tachim sabar kantaram ‘All India Radio’ ani dusrea madeomantlean vitraitat. ‘Bandra Fest’ ‘Pandu Lampianv’, ‘Marialina’, adi. tachim gitam amche sonvskrutayecho bhag zala mhonnlear lottkem zauchem na. Him kantaram H. Brittonak amche ani fuddle pillge modem sasnnak jivo dovortolim.
Ostoreche bhumikent
Ostoreche bhumikent tachem kovtuk korta titlem-i thoddem. To ostorechea rupan - magir tem tornnatem cheddum zaum, vo ‘fashionable lady’ zaum vo ostorechi kosli-i bhumika zaum, tiatr pollenaranchim kallzam jikhon ghetalo. Dadlo ason porian tachea angant ostoreche gunn, zoxe porim cholop, moddop, dolle bittbittavop, mukhamollar bhavnam haddop, nhesop, adi. tokhnnai kori sarke asle. Taka pollelear to khori ostorich koso distalo. Hem tachem khaxeleponn aslem. Ostori nheson kantaram gavpant taka lagtolo anik tiatrist zaunk na. Tech porim fattlea kallar jednam cheddvam-bailo machier yeunk fattim sortaleo tednam, mhonnche 40/50 vorsam adim, H. Britton-an ostorechi bhumika (acting) korun tiatr jivo dovorpak vhodd adar dilo.
‘Bold and beautiful’
Tannem mhojea panch vo sov tiatramni kantaram gaileant. Mhaka ugddas asa, 1992 vorsa, amcho tiatr “Ami Soglle Ek” sorkarachea ‘Information Department’ -an ak’khem Gõybhor dakovpak nirnnoy ghetlo. H. Britton ani M. Boyer hea tiatrant kantaram gaitale. ‘ ‘Bold and Beautiful’ hem H. Britton-an ghoddlolem ‘Duet’ M. Boyer ani H. Britton gaitalo. Hea ‘duet’-achim utram komik aslinch, punn H. Brittonachem ‘Bold and Beautiful’ cheddvachem sovong ani M. Boyer-achim ‘reaction’-am tiatr pollevpeank hansoun- hansoun roddoitalim. 2002 vorsa “Goa Going Gone?” ho mhozo tiatr Bangalore-ant dakounk Karnataka Goan Association-an vinoti keli. H. Britton amche borabor Bangalore-ak gelo. H. Brittonachem poilem git zalea uprant tiatrant H. Britton asa mhunn lokak koll’llem. To lok taka tachim ‘Bandra Fest’, ‘Pandu Lampianv’, adi., kantaram aikon vollkhotalo. Tea disa toch H. Britton tanche somor ubo aslo. Hajir aslolea Bangalore-antlea Gõykaramni ‘Pandu Lampianv’ Bandra Fest’ him kantaram gavpak vinoti keli. H. Britton-an tim kantaram gavun tanchi as bagoili. Tachea kantaram vorvim H. Britton Konknni mogianchea kallzamni jiyetalo mhunn sid’dh zalem.
Boro monis
H. Britton boro kolakaruch nhoi, punn to ek boro monis-ui aslo. Zoso machier to tiatr pollevpeank hansoitalo tosoch to heram kolakaram borabor astana tanchim fokannam korun soglleak khoxal dovortalo. To amchea Kala Mogi pongddachea tiatrant bhag ghetalo, to soglleam von zannto kolakar aslo. Amche tornne kolakor taka respeit ani man ditale. Punn H. Britton zannteam modem zannto zaun ani bhurgeam modem bhurgo zaun soglleancho vell hanson ani khellon sarunk adar ditalo.
Tachea mornnan tiatr palkak vhodd luskonn zalam. Tachea mornnan rikamo zalolo zago bhorun haddpak khub kottin asa. Punn tachi dekh gheun amche aiche tiatrist palkachi udorgot korunk pott’tiddken panvol martole mhunn ast ballgitam. H. Britton-ache familik buzvonn ditam ani tachea otmeak sasnnik jivit anvddetam. H. Britton Tiatr palkacho “Bold and Beautiful” kolakar zaun gelo hantum matui dubav na.
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- Goa-World.COM
- A big e-welcome to you. Tumcam Maie-mogacho ieukar. Enjoy Life - This is not a rehearsal! Konkani uloi, boroi, vach ani samball - sodankal. Hich Goenchi osmitai ani amchem khalxelponn. Goenchi amchi Konkani bhas! Ekvottachem saddon Goenkaranchem. This is Gaspar Almeida from Parra, Bardez, Goa, based in Kuwait and am connected with the website created by Ulysses Menezes, and as Moderator of the famous first of its kind Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter (since 1994) and The Goan Forum and several Goan and Indian associations and forums and e-forums in Goa, India, Kuwait, The Middle East and worldwide.