Lamb-vatt cholun cholun
boroch fuddem pavlom
unch-unch uddun vochun
vattuch hanv sanddlom.
Chodd vegan dhanvtana
thokun poddlom
Jivitan mhojea, hanvuch
faroun urlom.
Soreache kodduksannen
Sigarachea dhunvran
itlo ghuspolom.
Tornne moujechea nadar
boroch uddlom.
Jiv hatant dhorun
zayte infern bhonvlom.
Nachta-uddta astanach
mornachea daracho
avaz zalo
Ani hanv mhakach bhieun
Selza Lopes
Konkani books to be released on May 28, 2009
PANAJI - The president of Goa Konkani Akademi, Mr Pundalik Naik, will
release two Konkani books in Roman script namely "Kombreo" written by the
young writer Selza Lopes and "Polloilam Tem Boroilam" by Mr Tomazinho
Cardozo on May 28, at the Institute Menezes Braganza hall. Selza Lopes'
"Kombreo" is a collection of essays on various social, political, cultural,
educational, and other issues affecting the Goan society today while Mr
Tomazinho Cardozo's "Polloilam Tem Boroilam" consists of the selected
write-ups published in his weekly column of the Konkani weekly
"Vavraddeancho Ixtt" for the last two years.
The principal of St Xavier's College Mapusa, Prof Newman Fernandes, will
preside over the function, editor of Konkani monthly "JIVIT", Mr Michael
Gracias will speak on the book "Kombreo" while a veteran Konkani writer, Mr
Yusuf Shaik will share his views on the writings in "Polloilam Tem
Boroilam". Both books are published by Omor Prokaxon, Candolim under the
schemes "Poilo Chonvor" and "Sahitya Prabha" of the Akademi.
Deva mogalla, hat zoddun Tuje mukhar
Magnnem korunk toyar zalam
Bhettounk tukam fulancho turo
vatincho puddo na.
Dan pettiyent ghalunk
Bolsanchi sokot na
Tust Tuji gavunk,
Rosall utranchi mall na
Gorib zaum, lhan zaum,
Tujeach hatanchi rochnna hanv
Jivit, hem Tunvench dil’lem dennem
‘Bapa sodanch Tuji khuxi zaum’.
Tuzo povitr svas mhojeant ghal
Mog, Moipas, Xanti di.
Lhanvik-khalti mhaka kor.
Kalliz mhojem Tujea kallza sarkem kor
Puro! Itleanuch girest Tum mhaka kor.
Hat Tuzo vistarun axirvad, kurpa mhojer denvoi
Mhoje vorvim Tuzo rupkar Saiba
Soglleank bhogunk pavoi.
Seven JIVIT awards were also presented to its contributors. Selza Lopes, Cyrilo Fernandes and Lino Dourado, were awarded the JIVIT Puroskar 2008. Albino Fernandes was awarded the late A R Souzaferrao memorial award 2008, Neville Alphonso was awarded the late Luzia and Mousinho D’Silva memorial award 2008, Konkani Lecturer Jasmine Rodrigues was awarded the late Eslinda and Braz Alemao memorial Konknni Seva Puroskar 2008, while Peter Peixoto was awarded the late Santana and Tomas Alcasoas memorial award 2008, for his excellance in Konkani writing.