The operetta ‘Novo Rosto’ ignites the minds of the youth for a choice to shine like stars in the world. Victor (Anil Pednekar) a youth leader and the hero of the play, challenges young people to be leaders, to the transform the society, based on Gospel values.
‘Novo Rosto’, a Konkani musical operetta staged by the Goa Province of the Society of Pilar during the season of Lent, has completed 43 shows in Goa.
The operetta brings out the conflict that every person encounters - in choosing the good from the bad. The good is portrayed in the character of the voice of conscience played by Olga and the contrast is by the voice of evil.

The plot is a struggle in a village against the exploitation of the ecology by the mining lord Mr Chinttal nicknamed Guspotlal (Alfred Fernandes). Inspired by Victor’s concern to preserve the village, Lira (Agnes D’Silva) destroys the conspiracy hatched by Guspotlal along with advocate Pantaleao (Fr Ze Baptista) to divide the village on religious lines.
‘We will hold on our love for each other’ Lira took the audience by a paradoxical surprise. The response of her lover Vinod (Elvis Mascarenhas), ‘I have heard that telephone calls are kept on a hold, can love be kept on a hold?’ evoked laughter from the audience. It was Lira who boldly states that she along with her lover will sacrifice their love for a cause to keep up the Hindu-Christian unity and protect their village against environmental monsters.
It’s Victor who makes the finale and runs to protect Guspotal from the outrage of the villagers even when he himself, moments earlier, was attached by goons sent by Gusptollal. Keeping in mind the Pope’s message on environment for World Peace Day and the message of the President of India on Republic Day, the play creates powerful awareness to preserve the ecology of Goa.
The script written by Fr Kyriel D’ Souza, scintillating music rendered by Fr Peter Cardozo and starling performances by Felcy, Olga, Agnes, Anil, Alfred and Elvis besides others, the play was an inspiration to come together to protect Mother Earth.